ORCKA Basic Levels 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - ONE COURSE // TWO DAYS
Prerequisite: No prior canoe skills are required.
Basic Level 1-2-3 - tandem DAY ONE
Basic Level 4 - solo DAY TWO
Designed for ages 14+. This is a FULL two day course of skill building. No prior experience is necessary, however being physically fit will be an asset.
The first day will be spent in both the bow and stern of the canoe practicing tandem skills. Emphasis on standardized canoe manoeuvres in both the bow and stern. Developing the confidence in equipment knowledge, forward straight line, reverse, sideways, dock landing, safe canoeing practices, portaging, and canoe rescue scenarios.
The second day will be spent transferring tandem knowledge into solo skills, including self-rescue and rescue of others.
*If participant have proven skills, it is possible to achieve Level 2 and/or Level 3 on Day One
*If participant have proven skills, it is possible to achieve Level 4 in one FULL day